Pourquoi la peau noire vieillit moins vite?

Why does black skin age slower?

You've probably already heard that black or dark skin ages slower than others. But do you know why? Although aging is an inevitable process, we are not all equal when it comes to aging.

Science has shown that signs of aging appear about 10 years later in people with black skin, compared to people with white or light skin. The reasons behind this fact are known.

Before explaining to you why black skin ages less quickly, we will first help you understand how aging appears as well as the factors involved.

What are the factors involved in skin aging?

The aging process is affected by intrinsic factors (over which we have no control) and extrinsic factors (over which we can act).

Intrinsic factors

They are linked to your genetic background.

Extrinsic factors

Among these factors, we distinguish:

  • The climate
  • Hormonal status
  • The type of job
  • The environment
  • Lifestyle (diet, exercise, smoking, sun exposure, etc.)
  • Social and cultural conditions

Cumulative sun exposure is the most important extrinsic factor in skin aging. In this case, we speak of photoaging or aging induced by the sun.

why black skin ages less quickly

How does aging manifest in the skin?

Regardless of skin type, the most common signs of skin aging are dark spots , loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and loss of volume. However, black skin has characteristics that make its aging process unique.

Why does black or dark skin age slower?

Compared to others, black or dark skin has certain specificities that protect it from aging.

A higher concentration of melanin

Melanin is a pigment made by skin cells. The more melanin the skin contains, the darker it is.

The most significant difference between black-skinned people and Caucasian people is the concentration of melanin in the skin. It is higher in people with black skin. This high concentration of melanin provides protection against UV rays and therefore against photoaging.

Signs of skin aging appear a decade later in people with dark skin than in lighter skinned people. But be careful, this doesn't mean you can do without sun protection ! Even if you have dark skin, you need to protect yourself when exposed to the sun.

Although its high concentration of melanin protects black skin against photoaging, it makes it more vulnerable to hyperpigmentation. Indeed, the slightest external aggression such as an acne spot or an injury can cause pigment spots . But you can treat them with appropriate care. For optimal effectiveness, treat them as soon as they appear.

A thicker dermis

The skin is essentially made up of 3 parts:

  • The epidermis
  • The dermis
  • The hypodermis

The dermis is responsible for the support, suppleness and elasticity of the skin. It is composed of several elements: water, elastin, fibroblasts, collagen and glycoproteins. Aging leads to the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Aging of the skin is associated with progressive atrophy (decrease in volume) of the dermis. However, people with black skin have a thicker and more compact dermis which preserves the elasticity of the skin and protects against aging induced by the sun.


You have just learned why black skin ages more slowly than Caucasian skin. This characteristic is due to the high concentration of melanin and a thicker dermis, which protect it from the effects of aging.

Although you may be genetically lucky in this regard, that doesn't exempt you from taking care of your skin . Preserve this gift of nature by choosing healthy products suited to your skin. Remember to apply sunscreen if exposed to the sun.

Visit our online store to discover a selection of healthy, effective and non-lightening products, designed especially for black, dark and mixed skin.